Storage and Renewable Energies: Friends or Foe?

Room E209/210, Norwegian School of Economics Helleveien 30, Bergen, Norway

On November 29 Natalia Fabra, professor at Universidad Carlos III and professor II at NHH/BECCLE, will hold a seminar about market power in the power market. In particular, she will Read More ...

Det fremtidige norske kraftmarkedet

Auditorium 3, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Norway

Markedet for elektrisk kraft er i endring. Fossil brensel skal fases ut i Europa, og det er behov for mer fornybar kraft i både Europa og i Norge. Det er Read More ...

Cartel Policy in Nordic Countries

Enforcement of laws prohibiting cartels is a fundamental part of antitrust policy in most countries. This has also been the case in the Nordic countries for several decades. Although the Read More ...