Konkurranse og regulering

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

Christine Meyer, konkurransedirektør og medlem av produktivitetskommisjonen, vil redegjøre for hvordan sektorreguleringen kan endres for å fremme konkurranse og produktivitet. Hun vil også gjennomgå hvilke begrensninger konkurranseloven setter for effektiv håndheving av regelverket som fremmer konkurranse.

Nytt klageorgan for konkurransesaker?

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

Siri Teigum, leder for utvalget som skal vurdere løsninger for et uavhengig klageorgan i konkurransesaker, kommer for å presentere utvalgets arbeid og ideer så langt.

A growing role for economics in State Aid Control

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

On Tuesday 23 September, Gjermund Mathisen, senior officer of ESA Legal and Executive Affairs, and newly appointed directior of ESA Competition and State Aid unit, will give an introduction to the new reform on State Aid and the growing role for economics in State Aid Control.

Picking a Partner among Competitors when Size Matters: The Norwegian Grocery Market

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

The partnership between ICA and NorgesGruppen on procurement and distribution is controversial. Common sense among market players seems to be that size matters for profitability as well as for retail pricing. On Tuesday 14 October Kind and Foros will present their work in whcich they have set up a model which captures the fact that size might matter for retail pricing, and analyzes the effects that a partnership on distribution and procurement between rivals have on retail pricing. Furthermore, they have investigated whether there are incentives to form industry-wide partnerships.

The interaction between EU/EEA Public Procurement and Competition Law

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

We are pleased to invite you to a seminar on the interaction between the rules governing the award of public contracts - public procurement - and competition law, Thursday 30 October, featuring Albert Sánchez Graells, Senior Lecturer, University of Leicester, and Andhers Thue, Partner, Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig.

Fusjoner godkjent på vilkår

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

En rekke fusjoner og oppkjøp godkjennes på vilkår. Et rådende syn er at strukturelle vilkår, der for eksempel deler av virkshomheten må avhendes, er bedre enn å pålegge de fusjonerende adferdsvilkår. I løpet av de siste årene er det en rekke eksempler på fusjoner godkjent med strukturelle vilkår i Norge. Erling Hjelmeng og Lars Sørgard vil i dette seminaret drøfte mulige problemer og utfordringer forbundet med avhjelpende tiltak, med særlig fokus på strukturelle tiltak

Partial Vertical Ownership

Gonçalves analyses the market impact of a partial vertical integration whereby a retail firm acquires a non-controlling stake in the capital of an upstream firm, which supplies an essential input. In addition, he assume that this upstream firm can price discriminate between two groups of retail firms: the retail firm which (now) owns a stake in its capital and all of its retail rivals. Although apparently counter intuitive, we find that it is profit-maximizing for the upstream firm to discriminate against its retail shareholder. Compared to a vertical separation scenario, this partial vertical integration induces input foreclosure, higher retail prices and lower social welfare. From a competition policy viewpoint, this suggests that such partial vertical integrations should be analyzed with particular concern.

BECCLE-seminar: TeliaSonera/Tele2

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

Tele2-sjef Arild Hustad (t.v.) og Netcom-sjef August Baumann inngikk fusjonsavtalen i juli 2014. 5. februar 2015 godkjente Konkurransetilsynet fusjonen på vilkår. FOTO: TERJE BENDIKSBY, NTB SCANPIX I forbindelse med Konkurransetilsynets Read More ...