Partial Vertical Ownership

Gonçalves analyses the market impact of a partial vertical integration whereby a retail firm acquires a non-controlling stake in the capital of an upstream firm, which supplies an essential input. In addition, he assume that this upstream firm can price discriminate between two groups of retail firms: the retail firm which (now) owns a stake in its capital and all of its retail rivals. Although apparently counter intuitive, we find that it is profit-maximizing for the upstream firm to discriminate against its retail shareholder. Compared to a vertical separation scenario, this partial vertical integration induces input foreclosure, higher retail prices and lower social welfare. From a competition policy viewpoint, this suggests that such partial vertical integrations should be analyzed with particular concern.

BECCLE-seminar: TeliaSonera/Tele2

Auditoriet, Jus II, University of Bergen Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen, Norway

Tele2-sjef Arild Hustad (t.v.) og Netcom-sjef August Baumann inngikk fusjonsavtalen i juli 2014. 5. februar 2015 godkjente Konkurransetilsynet fusjonen på vilkår. FOTO: TERJE BENDIKSBY, NTB SCANPIX I forbindelse med Konkurransetilsynets Read More ...

1st annual BECCLE Competition Conference

At Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics we are proud to announce the first annual BECCLE competition policy conference, April 23 and 24 2015. The conference will combine sessions with invited speakers and presentations and discussions of original research papers in the fields of competition law and economics. As key note speakers for the conference we are proud to present David Bailey (King’s College London), Joe Harrington (University of Pennsylvania) and Patrick Rey (University of Toulouse).

BECCLE Seminar om matmarkedet

Matmarkedene i Norge er under konstant oppmerksomhet. Nylig har Konkurransetilsynet godkjent fusjonen mellom Coop og Ica på vilkår. Regjeringen jobber med en lov om god handelsskikk, og debatten om hvor marginene forsvinner i distribusjonskjeden pågår. I dette seminaret ønsker vi å rette søkelys på alle disse problemsstillingene, og vi har invitert en rekke økonomer og jurister til å presentere sine syn som grunnlag for diskusjon og debatt.

Seminar with Catherine Barnard: Posting matters revisited

The Research Group on Competition and Market Law at the Faculty of Law, UoB, is happy to invite you to a seminar with Catherine Barnard on Posting matters revisited. The seminar will offer reflections on the PWD, fundamental rights and the role of national and international courts in the EU/EEA.