Market investigation tool in Norway?

Auditorium 3, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Norway

Market investigation tool in Norway? In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate about new competition law tools that could complement existing competition law tools. In the EU both Read More ...

Finn/Nettbil saken: Lærdommer fra Høyesteretts dom

Auditorium 4, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

I november 2020 forbød Konkurransetilsynet Schibsteds oppkjøp av Nettbil, basert på at det ville medføre en betydelig begrensning i effektiv konkurranse i markedet. Konkurranseklagenemnda ga i mai 2021 Konkurransetilsynet medhold. Read More ...

Mergers and Demand-Enhancing Innovation

Room E209/210, Norwegian School of Economics Helleveien 30, Bergen, Norway

  CANCELLED! (Due to cancelled flight) Yassine Lefouili from the Toulouse School of Economics will give a seminar on Mergers and Demand-Enhancing Innovation. This is a joint seminar of the Read More ...

BECCLE Competition Policy Conference 2023

Bergen Center for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) is pleased to announce the seventh annual conference on competition policy on the 1st and 2nd of June 2023 in Bergen, Norway. Read More ...

Structural presumptions in merger control?

Auditorium 4, Det juridiske fakultet, UiB Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1, Bergen, Hordaland, Norway

There is a debate in both the US and Europe about the principles of merger control. One view is that we should move towards having more presumptions in merger reviews, Read More ...